Jamie C.
Begone, Creative Ruts!
Lets get inspired and stay inspired!

A Blessing and a Curse
The ability to capture some of the most wonderful moments of this world is one of the best parts of being a photographer. Photographers and all artists alike pour their heart and soul into their work to ensure that their work really speaks for them. However the process of consistently putting out quality content leads many to encounter creative ruts. This often has photographers feeling burnt out with their work, uninspired, or simply just bored. But fear not- creative ruts are a part of every creative journey and there are many ways not just to overcome it, but to utilize it in becoming an even better photographer.
Before any problem solving, the most important first step is to acknowledge that you are in a creative rut. Being burnt out is a bit of a state of mind. Since you are shooting constantly, it's easy to sink into a routine and not notice the burnout. But stepping out of your comfort zone and getting a change of pace may be just what you need to start honing your craft again, and we've compiled a list of ideas to help you get out there.

A Brand New Style
To start off, one of the most common ways to get things going is to change up your photography style. Doing so allows you to break through some of the rigid structure you may have set up for yourself. This could include finding a new approach in editing, trying different camera gear, or even just taking photos of things you usually wouldn't. Not only will this switch allow you to view your work through a new lens (pun intended). but since you're trying a variety of new things. you'll pick up some new skills you can apply to your regular projects as well.

"Leaf" the Indoors
Become one with nature! Fresh air can help clear the mind, or at least get you away from staring at a screen for an hour or two. Going outside doesn't mean you have to be hiking or camping (although those are great ideas as well)- you can just stroll at your local park or even just around the block. The point is just to get yourself moving and revitalized. If you really do want to bring your camera along, you might be able to catch some unique street photography shots that can spark some new ideas.

Homework, But Not
Nobody Iikes homework, but assigning a project or two to yourself might be helpful in this case. This one might take a bit of self discipline, but it's rewarding! If you're having trouble starting, you can always ask an AI program such as ChatGPT for some ideas. Better yet, make it a group project! Grab some friends and throw some ideas at each other and see who comes up with what. Go crazy with it! The best part is that you can assign really any project to yourself, so you can spend this time shooting anything you might not usually have the time to explore. You're also creating smaller, more obtainable goals for yourself within your overall photography journey that can help grow your skills and break down what you're pursuing.

The Art of Taking a Break
If all else fails, take some time off! Sometimes, it doesn't matter how much you change your lens, where on earth you are, or what goals you have. We're human and we just need to step away from it all. It might sound counterintuitive, but sometimes you break out of a creative rut by, well, taking a break. This can give you time to spend on other hobbies, or even just on yourself. It's easy to forget the rest of the world when you're so invested in your own art, but you can come back even stronger with a fresh perspective.

There's nothing wrong with being burnt out. Being a photographer doesn't mean you have to be a robot pumping out new content every second. Everyone needs to get away, and overcoming your burnout will help you be an even better photographer. So try some of these tactics to beat the slump, because you'll never know what new inspiration is waiting on the other side!